Photo Page 4
U 805 and VE day at two New England Sub Bases
The inspiration for this page began when a fellow Ham checked into the subvets radio net.
He was a quartermaster on a yard tugboat during WWII (see below).
John (Jack) Dawson sent me pictures that I enhanced and put on this website. Some of the pictures will be on following pages because I found a wealth of information about the u-bout picture he sent.
U 805 makes a tour to the New London Sub Base
"Jack" Dawson didn't know what a treasure this picture is and didn't know what sub it was. However, it opened to a wealth of WWII history that is not well known AND some of it is about to be lost.
U-805 at Portsmouth, NH
U-805 about to surrender
The captured U-805 arrives in the Piscataqua in May 1945.
The German crew of the U-805 proudly in dress uniforms
YTB 174 and Crew
I'll have more info in this paragraph as I quiz Jack about the times on the Thames.
Some of the tugs duties were to recover practice torpedos, and to monitor "first dives" of new submarines during there trials.
Gold Star Memorial Bridge between New London and Groton, Conn.
This bridge, in 1945 just replaced the draw bridge just like the rail road bridge you can see in the picture. The old draw bridge ran from "East New London, just north of the Fulton over in front of the State Police barracks in Groton.